Sylviette Arsenaux

Titles — Lady of House Arsenaux; ... of the Knights Dragoon; the Icewind Warchant.
Nicknames — Sylvi.
Age — ???
Date of Birth — 15th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon.
Ethnicity — Viera; Veena.
Gender — Cisgender female. [she/her]
Orientation — Heterosexual heteroromantic.
Relationship Status — Single, never married.
Profession — Wandering knight.
Astrological Sign — Virgo.Hair — Pale 'cornflower' blue that fades into a darker shade at the tips. Often worn in a ponytail with ornamental braids.
Eyes — Crimson.
Height — 6'1".
Physicality — Long of limb and pale of skin, Sylviette has a serious problem with RBF (Resting Bunny Face). Her posture and constant grim expression tend to give off a deeply unwelcoming vibe, making many give a wide berth. What they don't see is the incredible restraint in her gestures- always controlled, always subdued, fully aware of her strength and unwilling to hurt or harm those who have not earned her displeasure. Though she seems like an immovable glacier, the warmth of her smile when seen is enough to melt all of Coerthas.Known Languages — Common; Ishgardian/Olde Elezen; tribal Vieran.
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A woman of quiet and commanding presence, Sylviette maintains a strict control of her emotions and actions, as she believes fitting for someone of her (former) station. Of few words and powerful actions, she speaks only when spoken to, and keeps her opinions close to the chest, unless driven to speak by duty or by morals. Rigid and uncompromising, she strikes fast and hard at the heart of evil- those who would harm the innocent or upend the natural order of things for their own gain. To many, she seems a frigid bastion, unapproachable but elegant, but this could not be further from the truth.Underneath all her armor, Sylviette is a deeply kind Viera, with a very strong empathy for all of Eorzea's peoples. She loathes to see others in pain, be it physical or emotional, but lacks the capacity to express this in the typical way. She sees herself as too strange, too odd, to truly fit in with others, and thus puts her lance to use as an expression of herself. She sees her prowess in combat as her one true calling, and tries her best to uphold the virtues of knighthood and chivalry, even if she sees her role in the Dragonsong war as her greatest failure.

House Arsenaux
"See the Forest for the Trees."
Serving under House Fortemps, Arsenaux's history was and is deeply intertwined with Ishgard's logging industry; proud purveyors of lumber and wood, be it for building, fueling or carving. In the days before the calamity that plunged Coerthas into snow and ice, they were known to be well-respected, dignified and enterprising.Now Arsenaux is mostly regarded as a house of lunatics: eccentrics at best and freaks at worst. Most of the other houses pretend they simply don't exist- even Fortemps seems reluctant to remind anyone the house falls under their care, even as they continue to support and call upon its members in private. After such a sharp decline, the house's contributions to Ishgard's industry are now wholly dwarfed in the social stratum, in favor of standing witness to what must seem like a steady and spiraling descent into (and then past) madness.Members of the household have fallen madly in love with statues; built strange drilling machines and vanished into the earth; ventured out into the icy wasteland to start a hot spring hotel which no one attends; and, of course, produced heretics; among numerous other dishonors and ignominies.
The most recent opprobrium was the house's formal adoption of a foreigner- a Viera, no less, who was able to join the Knights Dragoon under their sponsorship and title.Needless to say, not a single soul in Ishgard takes anybody from the house seriously these days, but it seems equally that House Arsenaux doesn't give a damn what the rest of the world thinks of them anymore.
Daughter of Ishgard: While not quite ubiquitous to the residents of the city-state, Sylviette nonetheless could be familiar to those who hail from its icy steps. Word travels fast when it comes to a Viera joining the vaunted ranks of the Knights Dragoon, whether you support the decision or not. Perhaps you served alongside her in the past five or six years. Or maybe you looked up to the faultless example she set in battle and in conduct.House Arsenaux is also its own topic of debate, especially among the noble houses, but whispers of madness and odd behavior have stretched to every corner of the city. Maybe you remember their more well-regarded days, or perhaps you're curious to seek the 'truth' of their curse.
Wandering Knight: Although Sylviette no longer considers herself worthy of her former title, she assuages her grief by wandering the world, assisting the common folk with their troubles. Refusing payment, she chooses to be a bastion of hope and safety for those who could not normally protect themselves. She is not against teaming up with those whose causes she deems just, including adventurers. Perhaps you worked alongside her, or even had her assistance with your own troubles.
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hello! i'm alice [she/they]!
i'm 29 years old, live in the PST time zone, and at any particular time i am probably gposing.
i currently work afternoon into early evening but am free most evenings.
i'm always down to meet new folks, get involved in fun plots, or just hang out for casual scenes.i encourage the use of mare so sylvi can be seen 'as intended', but it's not required.feel free to send me a tell if you see me around, even if it's just to say hi.